Wednesday, 6 March 2013

The Monster Under Our Bed

I sit back, thinking maybe if I distance myself enough perhaps the bigger picture will reveal itself to me; but alas, even that does not help me understand the seemingly planet wide denial regarding Fukushima.  Here we are approaching the two year anniversary of that continuously erupting nuclear volcano in Japan; and not only has no progress been made, but it’s looking like no attempt at progress has been made.  In point of fact, Tepco and the Japanese government have done many things which just make the disaster even worse.  It absolutely defies logic that the evacuation zones were rescinded, back to three miles from the laughably inadequate twelve miles, but they were!  I could scarcely believe it several months ago when correspondent Yoichi Shimatsu reported that the Japanese government was collecting tsunami debris and burning it at many incineration sites across Japan. By burning already contaminated material you are essentially causing a re-release of fallout back into the environment, compounding the damage, both short & long term.  It sounds like self-inflicted genocide to keep the population in place and encourage them to eat contaminated food and ignore the fallout, but that is exactly what is happening.  Despite official denial, they say that Tokyo is now as badly contaminated in places as the town of Fukushima.

full article here

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