You try to get a fix on motive and intent
but- some people(s)- fall outside the range of the usual parameters
of humanity and you can't measure them against anything but Gila
Monsters, rattlesnakes, Honey Badgers and wolverines. All of us
inherit or develop a philosophy over the course of time. In most
cases, this philosophy is adapted to suit the needs and obsessions of
the desire body, which is a kind of flaming sheath that encases our
forms and obscures true vision.. This, along with a demented
mentality, corrupted by material attractions, is responsible for the
samsaras that inhibit our ability to see things as they are. There's
not a great deal that any one person can do to change the whole of it
but personal transformation is always an option and one way to get
your ticket punched out of here to a better place. It's also a
guarantor of being in a better place while you are here because your
mind is not occupied with thoughts like, “We are all doomed”,
which is true of some after a fashion... or, “there's nothing we
can do”, spoken while they slide into despair. Be profoundly
optimistic and your environment will reflect this. Nature, pristine
or perverted, is plastic and eventually shapes itself according the
the perspective of the observer. We all live in a world of our own
creation. If you don't like it, change it.
Dog Poet Transmiting
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