Tuesday, 7 May 2013

selling off the NHS......

  • 206 parliamentarians have recent or present financial connections to private healthcare providers.
  • 142 Lords have recent or present financial connections to companies involved in healthcare. (One – the former Virginia Bottomley – is a second-cousin of the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt)
  • 1 in 4 Conservative Peers have recent or present financial connections to companies involved in healthcare
  • 64 MPs have recent or present financial links to companies involved in private healthcare
  • 79% of these are Conservative
  • 4 Key members of the Associate Parliamentary Health Group have parliamentarians with financial connections to companies involved in healthcare
  • 333 donations from private healthcare sources totalling £8.3 million have been gifted to the Conservative Party
  • 2 companies, DACBeachcroft, Cumberlege Connections., which have Lords as a partner and as an owner respectively, moved themselves into a position to make money from the reforms as the Lords voted on the bill, and before the bill became Act
  • 5 organisations link to Baroness Cumberlege: Her company, Cumberlege Connections, Associate Parliamentary Health Group, 2020health, Huntsworth plc, MJM, healthcare solutions
  • 19 Lords and MPs have financial links to Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline.
full article here

1 comment:

  1. a list of the grabbing fecks here

    and the usual suspects stack up

    well past time
