Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Global Reclamation Campaign is Launched as Catholic Bishops begin Breaking Ranks – “Existing authority is replaced now by the People”

From the steps of the Vatican to Catholic churches in Vancouver, New York and London, ITCCS groups commenced church occupations and the issuing of liens against Vatican property this week, as part of a Global Reclamation Campaign to enforce a Common Law Court sentence against heads of church and state, including the new Pope, Francis 1 – Jorge Bergoglio, and Queen Elisabeth Windsor.
Bergoglio, Windsor and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper are among those officials who have been lawfully banished from their communities and face standing Citizen Arrest Warrants.
And despite a massive pro-Vatican blitz in the corporate media, Catholic Bishops have begun to publicly break ranks as new divisions emerged in the church hierarchy.
In Albany, New York, Orthodox Catholic Bishop Timotheos has been charged by local police after he disseminated ITCCS statements to a Catholic congregation and called upon Catholics to refuse to fund the Vatican.
And in Dublin, acting head of the Catholic church in Ireland, Archbishop Diarmid Martin, refused to comment on the claim that his office has convened a secret conference of Irish Bishops to issue a "Home Rule" statement loosening their ties with the Vatican.
In London, high wire protestors displayed an "Arrest the Pope and the Queen" banner from an office tower facing Parliament, as other ITCCS activists served arrest warrants on the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, for destroying evidence of the mass graves of children at Anglican Indian schools in Canada.

full article here

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